Sunday, October 25, 2015

Digital Blog Post H

Digital Blog H
            This chapter of the book I found pretty interesting. It spoke a lot about how technology is becoming so prominent in our classrooms now and they discussed a few ways people use technology that I found will be so groundbreaking and helpful to our students.
            The first concept I enjoyed reading in this chapter was the introduction and use of smart boards. I think smart boards are revolutionizing the way teachers can teach and how students can learn. With these interactive smart boards, they can allow the teacher to save and email or print out any notes they present to their class. This is so helpful for the students who struggle while taking notes. I can remember never fully understand lecture just because I couldn’t pay enough attention while I was jotting down notes. This smart board feature will really help those type of students.    

            We recently learned about ELL students and this chapter spoke on audio books and how effective they can be. Young students will be able to read along with books that their teachers require them to read for test. This is very helpful for standard students, and extremely helpful to ELL students who are also learning that second language. Being able to constantly hear someone else reading will help them practice and excel faster. The more students like that hear it as well as visualize it, the more it will become second nature to them.

            The last thing I think is really helpful with students is the gift of video attachments. Websites like YouTube has some very relative informational videos that may relate to what the teacher is discussing and can allow for the students that need to see things to fully understand them to see it. Videos are also a good way to break up the typical reading and discussion. With the birth of videos, it allows teachers to make lesson plans more interactive and a fun to discuss, a good joke always lightens up any situation

Hurley, B (October 25th, 2015) Technology: Making Learning Excitingcreated with Piktochart

(2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Like your Piktochart - such simplicity can provide a depth and complexity when thinking about it! :) Videos (and specifically YouTube) have definitely changed the landscape of curriculum delivery these days. Allowing students to create their own videos can be very powerful - and it shows what they know!
