Thursday, September 24, 2015

Digital Blog D Chapter 5

After reading Chapter 5 in our text I noticed how much online technology there is out there to assist us and our generations in the future. I especially liked how they talked about search engines and how many there are now out on the internet. I personally think the search engines are one of the best things created for students and everyone else. I just think about what it would have been like to not have things such as Google, Ask.Com, or even Siri on our own phones now! Those things have become such a cornerstone in our society, I couldn’t tell you the last time I’ve gone without searching something on one of those.

Another thing that I enjoyed learning about was proper website evaluation, and how much evaluation actually goes on by the majority of people who use them for resources. I’m guilty of using a few websites that probably weren’t the most reliable in my day, but when I got to college and was taught the correct way to use, cite, and determine if the website I was on was creditable and valid. I realized that just because it says, doesn’t mean there’s going to be nothing but facts on there. This chapter touched on finding out who published the information, if the source is legitimate, the date the information was published, and if the information was backed up by citations. Needless to say, I feel I’ve gotten a lot better at choosing valid websites in my college career.      

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Hurley, B (September 24th, 2015) Nothing But Facts created with Piktochart

1 comment:

  1. I like your Picktochart - it really helps to emphasize and enhance your text regarding website evaluation...and yes, I think we all need to be reminded of this critical skill on a regular basis. :) Searching is another of those skills that needs honing every once in awhile. Remember that you need to reflect on three distinct concepts - just see two on this post.
